Monday, May 7, 2007


Am I the only person in the world who hates Mondays?? You get the whole weekend to wake up when you please and wear whatever you want to and then comes Monday. Mondays I have to wear these stuffy ass clothes and work all day long. Mondays are serious work days for me. I have learned that I have serious issues with work attire. For 5 years I worked at a photo studio which allowed me to wear whatever I wanted and before that I owned my own business so this whole "work clothes" thing is really pissing me off. Just venting......

Other than that, nothing all that interesting.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Howdy Ya'll

Welcome world to me and my life. I keep reading all these great blogs and I am ready to talk.... but I am no sure yet what about ....

We will figure that out later. Right now I am going to design my page and try and get started.